Preventative health and wellness checks are a key part of the care we provide for our four-legged friends. Our philosophy is to focus on preventative care and regular health checks are an important part of this belief system. At The Vet on Richmond Hill, we believe that health and wellness starts with good nutrition, continues through preventative health care such as regular de-worming, and flea control, topped off with regular checkups with one of our experienced vets. Having these regular touchpoints throughout the year means that any problems or unusual symptoms can be spotted and treated early.
Our VIP Healthcare Plan
Helping you take care of your pet is what we enjoy doing the most, which is why we created a suite of VIP Healthcare Plans. Our Healthcare Plan helps you spread the cost of your pet’s everyday preventative healthcare so you can relax and enjoy the precious moments with your VIP.
Flea and Worming treatment
Flea control
Unfortunately fleas are a very common problem and once you have a flea infestation, it can be very difficult to get rid of the problem. These blood sucking parasites cause a multitude of problems for your pets from skin allergies to mouth ulcers and they can also carry worms and may even bite you! Alarmingly flea eggs and larvae can live in the house for up to 18 months and can provide a reservoir for infestation if not treated appropriately.
Our vets will determine the best flea programme tailored specifically to your pet and lifestyle. We have a wide range of excellent products to suit different pets and owners. In general, we recommend a monthly spot-on product which is applied to the back of the neck. Unlike similar flea medications, this has the added advantage of providing protection against roundworms and lungworm. Please contact us to discuss your pets’ needs and the parasite control most suitable for their lifestyle.
Worming control
Regular worming treatment will keep your pet worm-free and the humans in your house safe. Cats and dogs pick up worms from their mothers, other pets, eating slugs and snails and by coming into contact with the faeces of other animals. There are several types of worms that will cause disease ranging from weight loss to severe life-threatening diarrhoea. Roundworm and some types of tapeworm can be passed on to people, particularly children, and can cause disease and even blindness.
Another worm of significance for dogs is the lungworm. There have been more incidences of lungworm over the last few years with a related increase in fatalities. Symptoms range from coughing and pneumonia, to diarrhoea and vomiting, or the blood not being able to clot and subsequent strokes and neurological problems. We offer comprehensive protection against worms for cats and dogs and generally recommend:
- Monthly treatment with a de-worming tablet up to six months of age
- Subsequent de-worming every three months
The worming drugs we recommend are only available from a veterinary surgery and are far more effective than those you can buy in a pet shop and supermarkets. If you need help giving a worming or flea treatment we are more than happy to do this for you.
VIP Healthcare Plan
All of our recommended flea and worming treatment are available on our VIP Healthcare Plan. The Plan will help spread the cost of your pet’s everyday care!
We recommend that all puppies are vaccinated at 8 and 10 weeks of age and kittens should be vaccinated at 9 weeks and 12 weeks. Vaccinations are a very important part of routine care for your pet to protect them against some potentially lethal diseases. The nose to tail health check that we perform before any vaccination is very important to detect problems and diseases early – from dental disease to cancer.
We vaccinate against Cat Flu, Enteritis and Feline Leukaemia Virus (this is a common cause for tumours in cats). After the initial course, annual booster injections are given to ensure disease protection.
Join our VIP Healthcare Plan
As part of the Plan your cat will be entitled to our full primary vaccination course, protecting your cat from deadly diseases.
We vaccinate against the four core diseases of Distemper, Hepatitis, Parvovirus and Leptospirosis. Luckily most of these diseases are relatively rare however they can be fatal if not caught and treated early. In addition to the four core diseases, we recommend vaccinating against Kennel Cough if your dog is likely to mix with lots of dogs or will be kennelled. Kennel cough is a very common disease, and whilst rarely fatal, causes significant inconvenience and discomfort. This vaccine can be done from 8 weeks and is given annually with the booster.
Join our VIP Healthcare Plan
Our Plan includes all vaccinations including kennel cough.
We advise vaccinating against Myxomatosis and Viral Haemorrhage Disease (VHD). We recommend that the injection is given from 12 weeks of age and then annually as a booster. In addition to the vaccination our vet will perform a thorough examination of your rabbit as they are prone to many avoidable conditions such as bad teeth and gut problems.
Join our VIP Healthcare Plan
All vaccinations are included as part of the Plan.
We strongly recommend neutering all pets not intended for breeding as this can prevent or reduce the risk of a number of potentially serious diseases. As we rehome cats alongside the RSPCA we are also very aware of the number of unwanted pets that are currently in the rehoming system.
It is really important to get your pet neutered for a number of reasons including:
- Stops unwanted pregnancies
- Can reduce or prevent tumours
- Can reduce or prevent several unwanted diseases
- Makes your pet happier and healthier
Female animals are spayed from 6 months old. Apart from preventing unwanted pregnancies this can reduce the risk of mammary cancer and prevent false pregnancies and a potentially fatal womb infection called Pyometra. We may on occasion opt to spay dogs after their first season in certain breeds but this will be discussed with your vet at one of the puppy checks.
We can neuter pets:
- from 5-6 months in cats
- from 6 months in dogs
Neutering requires a general anaesthetic so your pet will need to stay with us for the day.
If you would like to find out more about neutering your pet please give us a call.
Dental Care
Did you know that up to 50% of pets over three years old are suffering with dental disease? Dental disease is one of the most common problems we see in veterinary practice and like with humans can cause significant pain and suffering. Pets have similar problems with plaque, tartar, gingivitis and periodontal disease as us humans. Poor dental hygiene can lead to bad breath, infection, pain and the loss of teeth. Dental disease is more common in older pets but can occur in younger animals too.
The good news is that it is usually resolved if addressed early with appropriate care. Our philosophy is to focus on preventative care and regular dental check-ups at a health assessment are an important part of this belief system. If our vets spot any indication of dental disease they may recommend a dental treatment such as a scale and polish or if they suspect extractions are necessary they will suggest x-rays to take a look below the gum line.
Signs to look out for
If you are not sure whether your pet has dental problems, please see the following list of common signs:
- Bad breath
- Dribbling
- Sore mouth
- Difficulty eating
- Loose teeth or tooth loss
- Pawing or rubbing at the mouth
- Bleeding gums
- Yellow or brown tartar on the teeth
More information
If you have any questions or concerns about your pet’s dental health, please give us a call.
VIP Healthcare Plan
Taking care of pets is what we do. We will always go above and beyond to make sure your pets are getting the best possible care, at a fair price. This is why we created our suite of VIP Healthcare Plans. Used alongside pet insurance, the VIP Healthcare Plan provides comprehensive healthcare for your pet, bringing peace of mind and value for money to you.
We believe that our healthcare plans are London’s (if not the UK’s) most inclusive and cost-saving health scheme packages.
For more information and a personalised quote for your pet(s), please talk to any member of the surgery team today.
Cat VIP plan
Your cat plan includes:
- Vaccinations & Annual Boosters
- A year’s supply of flea treatment
- A year’s supply of worming treatment
- Health check every six months
- 10% off everything else
- 30% off Hills and Royal Canin food when ordered online
Dog VIP plan
Your dog plan includes:
- Vaccinations & Annual Boosters (including Kennel Cough)
- A year’s supply of flea treatment
- A year’s supply of worming treatment
- Health check every six months
- 10% off everything else
- 30% off Hills and Royal Canin food when ordered online
Rabbit VIP plan
Your rabbit plan includes:
- Annual Vaccinations
- A year’s supply of parasite control
- A bottle of rearguard
- Health check every six months
- 10% off everything including all fees and services
- Microchip if required
VIP Plan for Kittens and Puppies
Our VIP Healthcare Plan for puppies and kittens will take care of your furry friends from the very first day you bring them home.
- Initial course of Vaccinations
- Health Check at 6 months
- Year’s supply of Flea and Worming Control
- Microchip
- Treats
- 10% off all other fees and service